Confidently Lost

Materials: Arduino, Feather, Motor Shields, Sound Sensors, Motors, Pump, Bearings, Paint, Hydrochromic Ink, 3D Prints, MDF, Acrylic, Foams and Water.

Are you taking silence for granted?

This project is an invitation to silence. Taking inspiration from my personal experience of tinnitus, I created a turntable that ‘plays’ silence, to bring the consciousness of silence and encourage a listen and appreciation of it in this increasingly ‘noisy’ world.

Silence is not an errie void, but an enchanting place for exploration. It reveals the unknown, evokes emotions and interpretations and creates all the possibilities. 

When quietness is around, the tonearm will be swinging randomly and dropping water on the white record. As the record was painted in blue first and then coated with the white Hydrochromic Ink that will become translucent when it meets water, there’ll be unexpected blue patterns appearing on the record, metaphorically presenting silence from which unexpected experiences that are unique to time and space, in the plurality of existential and experiential meanings, are unfolded, as if it is a wild but contemplative improvisation.When silence is gone, the blue will be too. 

Silence is beautiful. Please be sure to cherish it while you still have it.

Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show 2019
Data Play, Edinburgh Art Festival 2019


Always a beginner, always a learner.