4'33" - By John Cage.

A Studio Sun System - A lighting system emulates the movement of the sun and the ever-evolving states of natural light. By Random Studio.

Almer - A highly sensorial ritual reveals the presence of the past for the designer’s grandpa who is living with Alzheimer. By Sterre ter Beek.

Lines (57° 59´N, 7° 16´W) - A light installation gives a visual reference of future sea level rise if global warming continues at its current rate. By Timo Aho and Pekka Niittyvirta.

Shadowing - A set of streetlamps that record and play back shadows. By Chomko & Rosier.


Stay Tuned! - A communication system that integrates WhatsApp with a familiar 60s radio exterior caters to the needs of both people with dementia and their loved ones, to help maintain the social connections. By Marjolein den Haan - Wintermans.

Tear Gun - A minimal device that freezes tears instantly, ready to be fired in self-defense. By Yi-Fei Chen.

Tweenbots - A lost robot finds its way with the help of pedestrians they encounter. By Kacie Kinzer.

Always a beginner, always a learner.