Grey to Blue: Purple Coneflower | Rusty Patched Bumble Bee

Materials: Arduino, NeoPixels, Acrylic balls, Frosted glass spray paint


An exhibition piece for the artist Yulia Kovanova‘s ‘Grey to Blue: Ecological Entanglements’ project for Edinburgh Art Festival 2019.

‘Grey to Blue’ draws attention to ecological loss and absence with a focus on colours and spatio-temporal dynamics. It deals with the removal of borders and reveals new spaces where human agency is de-centred and the entanglements across time and space become visible, to reconsider perceptual boundaries and question the place of humans with their surroundings.

Created in collaboration with Yulia Kovanova and sound designer Lars Koens, a sound-based light piece was looking at the relationships between bees and flowers - as a single bee flits from flower to flower in search of nectar.

In a dark room, lights breathed slowly at different rates with unexpected random flickers. The flickering lights were mapped to a bee’s movement - sometimes spending only a short time by a flower, sometimes longer. The colour of the flashing light was that of the living flower, so the piece created an experience of a bee-flower as one entity - alive only in coexistence, presenting the in-betweenness of things.

Supported by the University of Edinburgh and Hope Scott Trust


Always a beginner, always a learner.