Hear the T-Room

Tool: MuseScore2

A question for a place: How was your yesterday?

Our everyday routines and social patterns shape space socially with time. However, human geography has been an often ignored dimension of space.

Hear the T-Room is an experimental sonic interface of the social production of space. It introduces an original concept of how a place can tell its memories, providing a different experience of time and space within the context of sociology.

The workbenches and aisles in the T-Room were seen as staves and each person as a note. Data on positions of people were collected every 5 minutes and mapped on musical staves in chronological order to make a composition. The fade-in, exciting highlights, repeated patterns and the fade-out indicate human relationships in the space, as if the T-Room were singing about them emotionally. I hope this piece can inspire listeners’ imagination and understandings of space with a different touch.


Always a beginner, always a learner.